EIT Health Scandinavia

EIT Health Scandinavia is a regional hub of EIT Health, a European network dedicated to promoting innovation in healthcare. The Scandinavian branch encompasses Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Estonia, featuring collaborations with leading universities, businesses, regional councils, healthcare organizations, and hospitals. Headquartered in Stockholm, with regional offices in Copenhagen and Tartu, EIT Health Scandinavia focuses on advancing healthcare innovation through various initiatives and partnerships.

The team is led by Managing Director Annika Szabo Portela, supported by professionals specializing in public affairs, communications, collaboration, education, entrepreneurship, and regional coordination.

In April 2024, EIT Health Scandinavia launched the Biobanks and Health Data Registries platform, a centralized hub connecting researchers, clinicians, and industry professionals with European biobanks and health data registries. This platform aims to facilitate access to vital resources, accelerating scientific breakthroughs and contributing to a healthier future.

Find the new website at eithealth.eu.